Main Themes I’m Working on Now…
Lifting the Weight of Culture
Culture shapes us before we can have our say about it. Sometimes, within its rhythms and tempos, new modes of experience become possible—ways of sensing, relating, and moving through cultures whose weight has, for a moment, become a little less burdensome.
Eternal Recurrence
This isn’t really that hard to get. Physics is starting to catch up with it.

A collection of works on the physics, religion, philosophy, and history of how we’ve composed time
Practices of Time in the New Testament
The Grand Narrative
How to see common things as compositions of time
A running list of posts

Mark 1:15, Metanoeite
Reclaiming ‘metanoia’ as a word badly in need of rejuvenation.

Have we lost the power of rejuvenation?

Reading the Iliad: Wisdom and Violence
The first of an ongoing re-engagement with the Iliad. Here we have an untimely meditation that holds up the mirror of violence to a culture desparately in need of alternatives to vendettas.

Reading Zarathustra: The Three Metamorphoses
The three metamorphoses Zarathustra describes in his first speech after the prologue moves us beyond any knee-jerk philosophical and religious musings of ‘being and becoming’. The vision presented here is far more sophisticated.

Reading Zarathustra: The Speeches of Zarathustra
The second installment of my series of Reading Zarathustra. This focuses on the problem of teaching, discipleship, truth telling, and companionship in ‘The Speeches of Zarathustra’ from Book I.

Reading Zarathustra: Prologue
The first in a commentary series on Thus Spoke Zarathustra. This post covers Zarathustra’s Prologue.

Time and Theodicy
Religion and philosophy emerge when we descend into our experience of time